
온라인대회 | OpenBelt - Open automation project series

페이지 정보

작성자 사이언스로봇 작성일15-09-14 10:22 조회2,909회 댓글0건


This is a part of the OpenFactory robotics system series. This project consists of some automatic machine that controlled by the OpenCM9.04 controller board and Dynamixel actuators.
We start with the OpenBelt. 
The operation is trnasfering the marble or metal ball to the basket. The mechanic system consists of the moving belt that driven by AX-12W actuator. The AX-12W is controlled by the OpenCM9.04 controller board. This machine is very simple project. It is starting application for learning the automatic machine application.
Specification :
Controller board - OpenCM9.04
Acuator - AX-12W x 1
Mechanic part : Tamiya's Track wheel set, Makeblock's aluminum construction part, Build our own structure from plaswood material.
Electronic part : INEX's switch input mini-board with cable
Power source : Li-PO 11.1V 1100mA or DC adaptor 12V 2A
This project series was created by an young engineer who just graduated from university. He just know about OpenCM9.04 and Dynamixel actuator. He loved all and has more inspiration. He would like to make the factory's automatic system by OpenCM9.04 and Dynamixel actuator and sensors.


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